This section answers a few very general questions that we are asked quite often about the LEOX project. web site is a Non Profit Organization for the promotion of Free Hardware and Software Resources for System on Chip. The goal of the LEOX project is to have a complete, free, open source, set of hardware and software components usable to build an embedded computer with its operating system that can be incorporated easily into a FPGA or into an ASIC... LEOX is an anacronym for LEON toolbOX!. The GNU Lesser General Public Licence (LGPL) applies to all LEOX VHDL models, uClinux libraries and userland applications. While, the GNU General Public Licence (GPL) applies to all LEOX utility programs, development tools and uClinux kernel port. The LEOX documents are offered to the public under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License. From the time being, we are working: - On the design of a DRAGONFLY micro core in order to simplify the design of
new IP block. We have been started to develop an Ethernet controller IP block built with this DRAGONFLY core. - On the port of uClinux onto LEON and are preparing educative and step-by-step documents in order to explain how to port uClinux on the LEON core and how to integrate the management of new IP blocks.
If you would like to contribute to the LEOX project, first check out the development mailing list, then announce yourself, but mostly feel free to grab something and start working on it.
Note: Except where otherwise specified, the content of the documents below are offered to the public under the GNU Free Documentation License. It may be redistributed or republished only under the terms of that license.